“Singing Through Change…” Podcasts and Videos

As many readers of this blog know, I’ve been consumed the past 4 years with co-researching, co-writing, co-marketing and presenting on the published book “Singing Through Change: Women’s Voices in Midlife, Menopause and Beyond.”

This book is the first published resource to combine the vetted science of hormones effects on the singing voice with women’s lived experiences and stories. Thanks to you all, we earned an Amazon Best Seller status in 2020, at the beginning of the pandemic. Everyone seems to really appreciate the laid back, informal style of writing my co-authors and I developed over time. Two years later it is still on the Best New Singing Books list of Book Authority!

In addition to writing articles, presenting for national and international organizations as well as for studios and choral groups, we started and maintained an active Facebook forum and Instagram page of over 3,600 members.

You’ll find every one of the following interviews contain lively discussion, different points of view on the book and reiteration of important basics. Enjoy!

The Podcasts and Videos

1. Menopause Changes Women's Singing Voices, video with Nancy Bos and Kevin, MD

2. Joanne Bozeman Discusses Singing Through Change with Juliette Caton on VocalScope Podcast

3. Cate Frazier-Neely on Women's Voices in Midlife, Menopause and Beyond, The Full Voice Podcast with Nikki Loney

4. Who is "Mary Penomause?" Cate Frazier-Neely and Alison Crockett discuss perimenopausal voice changes on Circling the Drain Podcast. Ellie Dvorkin Dunn and Julia Granacki, interviewers

5. NATS CHAT, “Singing Through the Change,” with Dr. Kari Ragan, Joanne Bozeman and Margaret Baroody, sponsored by the National Association of Teachers of Singing. (Cate had Covid in April, 2020 and could not appear with Joanne.)

6. Video Announcement on the Why and How we just closed the popular STC Facebook Forum page. Thank you to the hundreds and thousands of women and men who asked questions, participated in discussions and lurked quietly!

For our other video discussions on this ground-breaking topic, please go to our Singing Through Change website and look under Resources. Studio Bos Media, our publisher, now has an Events Branch to continue education and community-building on this topic through Celebrate Singing.